Your Trusted Partner for Informing Trade Decisions

PricingMonkey’s advanced analytics empower you to identify opportunity and risk, so you have the best insights to drive returns when executing your trading strategies.

Informed Decision Making

Cutting edge analytics for identifying market opportunities, back-testing ideas and monitoring trading positions in real time.

Customize our tools for exploring how best to maximize returns from your trade ideas.

Reassuring Data Quality

Highest quality data history for back-testing ideas and scenario simulations.

Real-time market data for keeping on top of market trends as they unfold and to monitor your trading positions.

User Friendly

An intuitive spreadsheet interface for ease of use, speed and reliability.

Trusted by derivatives trading professionals since 2017 for the accuracy of its pricing and analytics.

Execute with Confidence

Execute (and monitor) your trading strategies with confidence after testing every scenario with our cutting edge tools.

  • Constant maturity plotting
  • Recognizes all security identifiers
  • Chart with minimal clicks
  • Collaborate with shared blotters
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